Information about MA Units

There are currently 45 MRC units in Massachusetts. These units apply the mission of the national MRC program to address the specific needs of the region they support.

One of the first units in the U.S. was formed on Cape Cod in 2003. The largest MA unit is in Boston, which includes a large number of nursing and pharmacy students. Each MRC unit in the Bay State is learning from the others – as well as from the national network of MRCs – as it continues to grow and enhance its skills. The latest information about MA units is available from the statewide web site:

Medical volunteers in MA have the option to sign up on a state registry called MA Responds, and can choose whether to join a response agency or remain unaffiliated:

Information about all MRCs across the U.S., including MA, can be found on the “Find a Unit” button on the home page of the national MRC site:

This option provides access to additional information, including the latest ‘profile’ and other details posted for each unit, such as our UMV MRC:

UMV MRC Contacts:

Upper Merrimack Valley MRC (local unit)

55 Main Street
Westford, MA 01886

Director: Rae Dick
Phone: (978) 399-2543
Fax: 978-399-2565

Coordinator: Nancy Burns, EMT
Phone: 978-399-2549
Fax: 978-399-2565

Web site:

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