Our members and affiliates can rightfully be proud of the exceptional service that our MRC unit has been providing throughout this year.

Of 45 separate activities reported in our MRC Profile Update reports during 2024:

  • Only 4 were completed by the coordinator (staff accomplishments behind the scenes)
  • The other 41 were done by volunteers

UMV MRC members filled 341 shifts. Several members served at more than one event, so these are counted as ‘341 shifts filled’ rather than ‘341 members serving.’

Our unit provided 1641 hours of volunteer service.

UMV MRC activities in 2024 – based on the ‘Points of Light’ calculator used in the Updates – has an economic value of $64,387.73.

Impressive, huh? And we still have six more weeks remaining in Calendar 2024!

Click on the links below to review the details provided in two attachments: